Arthritis Research UK

Arthritis Research UK
Combining the needs of an agile workspace, a variety of zones and biophilia, Palisades Grid was used throughout the offices of Arthritis Research UK providing spaces for collaboration, relaxation and social gathering.
London, UK
designed by
AIS Workplace

Since it was founded in 1936, Arthritis Research UK has been dedicated to curing arthritis. Around 10 million British people are affected by the condition and Arthritis Research helps them to remain active by funding research, campaigning on their behalf and providing information for sufferers, health professionals and the public. If you'd like to make a donation, you can do so here . It's a great charity and we were very pleased to work on their new office with AIS Workplace.

“ The central location of the breakout area, has created a real hub of energy within the space that people are drawn into, it’s a space for collaboration, relaxation and social gathering. ”
Elaine Mitchell, Workplace Designer at AIS

Arthritis Research UK asked for a layout that would promote wellbeing and facilitate flexible working practices – particularly for those with arthritis. In response, AIS came up with a mixture of open-plan project spaces and more private, relaxing rooms, all of which revolve around a breakout area and refreshments station. “The central location of the breakout area,” explains Workplace Designer Elaine Mitchell, “has created a real hub of energy within the space that people are drawn into, it’s a space for collaboration, relaxation and social gathering.” Furthermore, AIS chose to make use of the many health and wellbeing benefits of biophilia – a subject we’ve blogged about before – by including lots of plants and natural elements.

So, the office needed to remain agile, incorporate a variety of zones and have plenty of space for potted plants. The solution to all of these needs? Our Palisades Grid system, which was used to divide up the different zones without blocking the sunlight and also to house and display plants in a calming, harmonious way that contributes to the healthy atmosphere.