Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England
Designed to improve staff wellbeing and encourage healthy collaboration, MHFA England's new offices incorporate a range of different workspaces, all joined together by a calming aesthetic of natural tones and patterns.
London, UK
designed by
Habit Action

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England training reduces mental health stigma through understanding, empowering people to care for themselves and others. They like to practice what they teach and, as such, their new offices were designed to improve staff wellbeing and encourage healthy collaboration. Habit Action were brought on to design a flexible layout incorporating a range of different workspaces, all joined together by a calming aesthetic of natural tones and patterns, and large photo landscapes of the great outdoors.

We installed a row of our one-person Phonebooths, providing quiet spaces in which to make calls without disturbing others, or just to perform solo tasks in an environment free from distractions. We also installed a wall of our HotLockers, in a relaxing colour grid of white, orange and greys, empowering employees to move from zone to zone while still having a personal storage space. Lastly, our Signature Storagewall provides some extra office storage, leaving lots of room for the organisation to grow into in the coming years.

“The blend of facts (science) and design (creativity) came together beautifully and created a space that we can truly say works for everyone,” explains a spokesperson for the organization. “We’re really proud of our office and love bringing people into our space to be a part of the MHFA England family.”